Metro Mattress recognizes that use of the Internet, Intranet, instant messaging (chat) and email has many benefits and can make workplace communication more efficient and effective. Therefore, employees are encouraged to use the Internet, Intranet, and email systems professionally and appropriately during their scheduled working hours. Employees that view or otherwise choose to access, engage or respond the Metro Mattress Intranet, instant messaging (chat) or email do so of their own free will and are NOT required or obligated in any way to engage or respond during their personal time when they are not scheduled to be working (off-hours).
Unacceptable use of the Internet, Intranet, instant messaging and email can place Metro Mattress and others at risk. This policy outlines the company’s guidelines for acceptable use of the Internet, Intranet, instant messaging and email.
This policy must be followed in conjunction with other Metro Mattress policies governing appropriate workplace conduct and behavior in accordance with the Metro Mattress Team Member Handbook (“Employee" or "Associate" Handbook). Metro Mattress complies with all applicable federal, state and local laws as they concern the employer/employee relationship, and nothing contained herein should be construed to violate any of the rights or responsibilities contained in such laws.
Metro Mattress has established the following guidelines for employee use of the company’s technology and communications networks, including the Internet, Intranet, instant messaging (chat) and email, in an appropriate, ethical and professional manner.
All technology provided by Metro Mattress, including computer systems, communications networks, company-related work records and other information stored electronically, is the property of the company and not the employee. In general, use of the company’s technology systems and electronic communications should be job-related and not for personal convenience.
Employees that view or otherwise willingly choose to access, engage or respond the Metro Mattress Intranet, instant messaging (chat) or email do so of their own free will and are NOT required or obligated in any way to engage or respond to any work-related communication during their personal time when they are not scheduled to be working (off-hours).
The Metro Mattress Intranet, instant messaging (chat) and email are intended for use by employees of Metro Mattress only. Access by friends, family or any person that is NOT specifically employed by Metro Mattress is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN.
Employees may not use Metro Mattress’s Internet, Intranet, email or other electronic communications to transmit, retrieve or store any communications or other content of a defamatory, discriminatory, harassing or pornographic nature. No messages with derogatory or inflammatory remarks about an individual’s race, age, disability, religion, national origin, physical attributes or sexual preference may be transmitted. Harassment of any kind is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated.
Disparaging, abusive, profane or offensive language; materials that might adversely or negatively reflect on Metro Mattress or be contrary to its legitimate business interests; and any illegal activities including piracy, cracking, extortion, blackmail, copyright infringement and unauthorized access to any computers on the Internet, Intranet or email are strictly forbidden and will not be tolerated.
Copyrighted materials belonging to entities other than Metro Mattress may not be transmitted by employees on the company’s network without permission of the copyright holder. Employees must respect all copyrights and may not copy, retrieve, modify or forward copyrighted materials, except with permission or as a single copy for reference only. Saving copyright-protected information to a network drive or any device without permission is prohibited and will not be tolerated.
Employees may not use the system in a way that disrupts its use by others. This includes sending or receiving excessive numbers of messages determined by Metro Mattress as excessive or “spamming” or otherwise sending email or instant messages (chat messages) to multiple users without a clear business purpose.
Employees must take reasonable precautions to prevent contamination of Metro Mattress technology and communications equipment and systems by harmful computer viruses.
Every employee of Metro Mattress is responsible for the content of all text, audio or image files that he or she places or sends over the company’s Internet, Intranet, instant messaging and email systems. No email or other electronic communications may be sent that hide the identity of the sender or represent the sender as someone else. Metro Mattress’s corporate identity is closely associated with all instant messaging and email communications, which should reflect corporate values and appropriate workplace language and conduct.
Email and other electronic communications transmitted by Metro Mattress equipment, systems and networks are not private or confidential, and they are the property of the company. Therefore, Metro Mattress reserves the right to examine, monitor and regulate email and other electronic communications including instant messaging, directories, files and all other content, including Internet and Intranet use, transmitted by or stored in its technology systems, whether onsite or offsite.
Internal and external email, voicemail, and text messages are considered business records and may be subject to discovery in the event of litigation. Employees must be aware of this possibility when communicating electronically within and if outside of the company.
All company-supplied technology, including computer systems, equipment, and company-related work records, belongs to Metro Mattress and not to the employee user.
Employees understand the company monitors use patterns, and employees should observe appropriate workplace discretion in their use and maintenance of such company property.
All computer systems and software provided by Metro Mattress, as well as email and Internet or Intranet connections, domains and intellectual assets, are the property of Metro Mattress and all company policies apply to their use and are in effect at all times.
Any employee who abuses the company-provided access or otherwise violates this policy with regard to instant messaging, email, the Internet or Intranet, or any other electronic communications or network, including social media, may be denied future access, and, if appropriate, be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination, within the limitations of any applicable federal, state or local laws.
All Metro Mattress employees that login or otherwise have access to this Intranet are subject to the policies herein.
If you have questions regarding the appropriate use of Metro Mattress electronic communications, equipment, systems, including email and the Internet or Intranet, please contact your supervisor, manager or the HR department.