Metro Mattress Universe

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Metro Mattress recognizes that use of the Internet, Intranet, instant messaging (chat) and email has many benefits and can make workplace communication more efficient and effective. Therefore, employees are encouraged to use the Internet, Intranet, and email systems professionally and appropriately during their scheduled working hours. Employees that view or otherwise choose to access, engage or respond the Metro Mattress Intranet, instant messaging (chat) or email do so of their own free will and are NOT required or obligated in any way to engage or respond during their personal time when they are not scheduled to be working (off-hours).

Unacceptable use of the Internet, Intranet, instant messaging and email can place Metro Mattress and others at risk. This policy outlines the company’s guidelines for acceptable use of the Internet, Intranet, instant messaging and email.

This policy must be followed in conjunction with other Metro Mattress policies governing appropriate workplace conduct and behavior in accordance with the Metro Mattress Team Member Handbook (“Employee" or "Associate" Handbook). Metro Mattress complies with all applicable federal, state and local laws as they concern the employer/employee relationship, and nothing contained herein should be construed to violate any of the rights or responsibilities contained in such laws.

Use Guidelines

Metro Mattress has established the following guidelines for employee use of the company’s technology and communications networks, including the Internet, Intranet, instant messaging (chat) and email, in an appropriate, ethical and professional manner.

Metro Mattress’s Right to Monitor and Consequences for Misuse

All Metro Mattress employees that login or otherwise have access to this Intranet are subject to the policies herein.

If you have questions regarding the appropriate use of Metro Mattress electronic communications, equipment, systems, including email and the Internet or Intranet, please contact your supervisor, manager or the HR department.